Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Things I Like To Do

Do you like to learn about animals?  Do you like to go to the zoo?  Do you like to learn?    I like all of the above! Now, I'll tell you what I like about them.

I really like to read about animals.  Reading helps me to learn about animal behavior and what they eat.  I like detailed animal books because they give me lots of information.  This helps me a lot because I am going to have a job with animals when I grow up.

Going to the zoo is lots of fun.  I can see most of the animals I like.  Visiting the zoo helps me to learn about animals by observing them and reading the posted signs.  At my local zoo, there are so many animals you can't see them all in one day.  Some of my favourite animals at the zoo are moose, fish, and grizzly bears.

I also really like to learn.  Learning makes me happy and smarter too.  There are so many things I like to learn.  My top 3 favourites are zoology, astronomy, and chemical reactions.  I plan to learn computer programming.  I am learning Arabic, Chinese, and Ancient Greek in school.

Do you like those things?  I really like them.  I hope that you like them too.  Everyone likes different things, I hope that these are some of them.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Conserve Animals

Do you love animals?  I do!  I like animals so much that I would do zoology for most of the day if I could!  I think that poaching is one of the worst things in the world.

Animals are very fun to watch, and I know this because I love animals.  For example, it is fun to watch my fish zip across the tank.  The red-tailed shark is classified as extinct in the wild!  If an animal is extinct then it is impossible to watch.

If one animal disappears from the ecosystem the whole ecosystem might go wild!  For example, fish clean hippos in the water , and birds clean it on land.  If hippos disappear those animals might disappear as well!

Tons and tons of animals are endangered.  There are so many that you would probably need a 1000 page book to cover them all!  Animals are becoming more endangered by the day.

Now do you like animals?  You probably won't like them as much as I.  Even if you don't like animals, tell the government to ban poaching.  Please, go to World and see what you can do.